Quantum operation

美 [ˈkwɑːntəm ˌɑːpəˈreɪʃn]英 [ˈkwɒntəm ˌɒpəˈreɪʃn]
  • 网络量子操作
Quantum operationQuantum operation
  1. Quantum operation sharing ( QOS ) is one of the important research fields in the discipline .


  2. We put forward the scheme that probabilistic realizing nonlocal quantum operation with non-maximally entangled state as entanglement resource in 3-dimensional Hilbert space .


  3. Quantum operation is a good description of an open quantum system .


  4. In order to model the most general quantum operation on a d-dimensional system , a d2-dimensional environment is usually needed .


  5. Huelga etc. and Wang respectively researched the problem of remote implementation of quantum operation in some special restricted sets , and they also proposed the corresponding optimal protocols ( HPV and Wang ) .


  6. Nonlocal quantum operation is an important component of nonlocal interactions and controlling . Nonlocal quantum operation not only play a key role in realizing distributed quantum computer , but also have potential applications in the domain of quantum computation and quantum information .


  7. Atom-field interaction theory is the basic knowledge of quantum information operation using atom-cavity systems .


  8. Normalized pattern matching is based on correlation and operated point by point with a large quantum of operation and low efficiency .


  9. The band structure can influence the laser cooling of Paul trapped ions and the quantum logic operation based on the system that should be considered in the corresponding experiments thereby .


  10. The error of the quantum controlled not operation in an ion trap is treated .


  11. In chapter two , we introduce the basic theory of quantum entanglement and quantum operation . we briefly give the simple definition of quantum entanglement and the definition of measurement of quantum entanglement .


  12. In chapter one we briefly review the history and researching actuality of quantum entanglement and nonlocal quantum operation .


  13. We proposed a scheme of error prevention and error correction using quantum byte controlling quantum byte in quantum logic operation .


  14. And quantum process tomography is a procedure by which an unknown quantum operation can be fully experimentally characterized .


  15. In a word , in need of relevant quantum physical systems , there are two classes of methods for studying quantum logics : the operation approach and the algebraic approach . The former is based on the states in physical systems and studies the convex structure of states ;


  16. Meanwhile , we introduce some basic quantum operations and nonlocal quantum operations , and several theorm about quantitative relations between realizing nonlocal quantum operation with needful physical resources .


  17. In quantum communication process , to prepare some systems in some specific entanglement and to enhance the entanglement of systems to a specific value by joint quantum unitary operation are in urgent need in practice .
